Which Air Filter Is Best For Allergies?
Before you consider purchasing an air filtration system for your home, you should determine which one will best suit your needs. Minimize your exposure to allergens first to see if this improves your condition. You can do this by cleaning your air filters more often, avoiding carpet in your home, keeping your windows closed, and more. If preventative methods like these don’t seem to work, you probably need an air filter system. Here are the different types you will find to help you determine which air filter is best for allergies.
Mechanical Filters
Mechanical filters force air through a unique screen designed to trap allergens and irritants before entering the air. As a result, they keep out things like pollen and tobacco smoke. The most commonly used mechanical filter is the high-efficiency particulate air filter or HEPA filter. Some filters on the market claim to be HEPA, but many are not certified. A quality, certified HEPA filter must trap at least 90% of particles .3 microns or larger in diameter.
Electronic Filters
Electronic filters use electrical charges to attract and deposit what’s causing your allergies. If the device doesn’t have a collecting plate for allergens and irritants to stick to, they stick to room surfaces and which could require extra cleaning. The most efficient electronic filters are electrostatic precipitators, and the best of those use fans.
There are also hybrid filters which are a combination of electronic and mechanical filters.
Gas-Phase Filters
Gas-Phase is a type of filter best suited for non-particulate pollution. They do not remove allergens. Gas-phase filters remove odors and non-particulate pollution. This includes cooking gas, perfume, and gases emitted from paint or building materials.
Ozone Generators
Ozone generators produce ozone which supposedly cleans the air. However, the EPA or the American Lung Association does not recommend these because ozone in high concentrations can be harmful to the lungs. Even at low levels, ozone generators are not incredibly effective at removing pollutants.
So you see there are a few different filters to choose from that you should consider based on the severity of your allergies. If you are still on the fence about air filters or have more questions about your allergies, contact East Texas Sinus and Dizziness center! We can help answer all of your questions and determine which air filtration system would work best for you if you need one!