As a specialized Otolaryngology (ENT) practice opened in 2013, we are the only nationally recognized center for Balloon Sinus Dilation in East Texas, serving Longview and surrounding communities. We specialize in minimally invasive office surgeries that result in quick recovery times for our patients. Our Longview, TX Otolaryngologists offer treatment for diseases of the nose and sinuses, including minimally invasive Balloon Sinus Dilation, Nasal septoplasty, Turbinate Reductions, polypectomy, and hybrid mini-FESS procedures. Most patients can return to work the following day and require little if any prescription medication.
To more fully address the full array of nasal disorders, East Texas Sinus and Dizziness Center also offers needle-free allergy testing and treatment, including Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT). Our on-site Xoran MiniCAT scanner, one of the lowest dosage and clearest imaging scanners available, sets our office apart from any others. This machine is used for both sinus scans and temporal bone scans and is safe for pediatric use.
We also offer the most complete vestibular testing facility in East Texas, equipped with VNG technology, platform posturography, and audiology with hearing aid services in each office, allowing same-day evaluation and treatment of all forms of dizziness, imbalance, and hearing loss. Dr. Morton also performs many in-office ear procedures, including ear tube placement, labyrinthotomy (inner ear injections for hearing loss and Meniere’s disease), myringoplasty (repair of holes in the eardrum) along with the new FDA-approved Eustachian Tube Dilation procedure. It is clear why East Texas Sinus and Dizziness Center is the place to come for the most comprehensive, cutting-edge care offered in all of East Texas. Contact East Texas Sinus to get an appointment with the best Otolaryngologist in Longview, TX!